From Humble Beginnings to Agribusiness Success: The Journey of the Fedhi Gudina Community Group


When we founded the Fedhi Gudina Community Saving for Investment in Agribusiness group in 2019, we only had a capital of USD141 raised by 20 members (15 women). However, our savings have now grown to USD28,530 through a combination of strategic investments in crop cultivation and processing. We began our journey by renting 1ha of land after six months of savings, which allowed us to cultivate 8.6 MTs of potato and 0.6 MTs of wheat seed, which earned us a net income of USD2,453. Our journey was aided by SAA, who trained us on savings and credit, group dynamics, business management, and linked us to the Oromia Credit and Saving Share Company, where we keep our savings.

In 2022, we expanded our business through grain milling services, using our savings and contributions from members to purchase land and construct a mill house. SAA also helped us purchase a 20hp diesel engine grain mill, and trained us in basic business management, agro-processing techniques, and grain mill service management. The mill has improved the lives of women in our community, who previously traveled up to 6 kilometers to process their grain. It has, additionally, created two new jobs – a mill operator and grain weight recorder.

Going forward, we plan on investing our USD28,530 capital in additional agri-businesses while strengthening the capacity of our milling enterprise. In conclusion, I must note that our commitment and desire to grow has been reinforced by SAA’s training, technical, and financial assistance, which have helped us evolve from a credit and savings association) to a seed grower and an agro-processor .

By Ms. Daraso Tegu, Chairwoman of Fedhi Gudina.

Retrieved from SAA E-Newsletter, issued in May 2023 with Focus on Ethiopia

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"Walking with the Farmer: The journey of the Sasakawa Africa Assoication since 1986"

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Annual Report
Annual Report FY2023

Annual Report FY2023 is available here.