Using ICT to enhance Mali’s seed sector efficiency


In the last three years, SAA has been keenly working on transforming Mali’s seed sector through the promotion of digital technologies. In this regard, SAA has equipped various stakeholders with the necessary tools and skill to support seed quality control and certification processes all the way from production fields to the laboratory. At the labs, SAA-Mali has deployed technologies for analyzing seed-germination rate, physical purity, seed health, varietal purity and humidity. At the enforcement level, the program has equipped 52 government seed inspectors from 15 agricultural regions with the mobile gadgets, software and training needed for field mapping, and the detection, analysis and treatment of plant pathogens.

Bamako’s Regional Directorate of Agriculture says the e-platforms have proven invaluable enabling information exchange among different actors along the value chain, including extension agents, farmers and agro-dealers. Now equipped with modern gadgets, the seed inspectors have, for example, gone ahead to create a WhatsApp group through which they share experiences and ideas. Producers have also increased their seed sales and purchased new equipment through the digital platforms. Overall, SAA has played a great role in equipping government seed inspectors and extension agents with the required ICT tools and training to enhance the quality of their work.

Retrieved from SAA E-Newsletter, issued in Sep 2022 with Focus on Digital Extension

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Annual Report FY2023

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