SAA-Nigeria Commences Starter Packs Distribution in Kano

SAA Nigeria CD hands over a starter kit to a beneficiary farmer in Kano
SAA Nigeria CD hands over a starter kit to a beneficiary farmer in Kano

Along with its Regenerative Agriculture (RA) pillar, SAA-Nigeria has commenced the distribution of dry season farm inputs starter packages for host farmers. In The Nippon Foundation project, 69 starter packages will be distributed to host farmers in Kano, Nasarawa, Jigawa, and Gombe states to support dry-season crop production. Each starter pack consists of Improved seeds, NPK fertilizer, Urea super granules, and pre/post-emergence herbicides.

Table1. Input distribution packages by crops in each state supported by the Nippon Foundation
1 Narasawa 10 20 30
2 Kano 8 6 14
3 Jigawa 12 - 12
4 Gombe 5 8 13
Total   35 34 69

Flagging off the distribution, SAA-Nigeria Country Director Dr. Godwin Atser commented that SAA would continue supporting smallholder farmers with innovations to attain food and income security in Nigeria.

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Annual Report FY2023

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