“I will keep practicing the lessons I have learned to improve my livelihood” How one farmer benefited from working with SG 2000 Ethiopia


Wolde Gichamo, a 65-year old smallholder farmer, lives in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Region (SNNPR) of Ethiopia. For farmers like Wolde, access to high-yielding wheat varieties has proved challenging and has forced his community to resort to local varieties, which significantly lowered their productivity.

Extension Agents (EAs) working as part of SG 2000 Ethiopia chose Wolde to host a 1000 m2 Community Demonstration Plot (CDP) and to test a new wheat variety known as Ogolcho. As well as hosting a CDP, Wolde was one of 43 smallholder farmers who benefitted from training provided by SG 2000 Ethiopia. The training focused on a range of improved agronomic practices, including line planting, appropriate fertilizer application, proper harvesting, and threshing and storage. After the training, SG 2000 Ethiopia provided 10 kg of the improved wheat basic seed, 10 kg of the ‘NPS’ compound nitrogen-phosphate fertilizer with sulphur and 15 kg of urea, in line with the extension package recommendation from the woreda.

Motivated by the technical support he received from SAA, Wolde put into practice the technologies that were demonstrated to him, and reaped a bumper harvest of about 600 kg from his plot. Within his community Wolde became an inspiration, and hosted various field day events, during which he shared his experience with farmers, extension agents and local government officials.

Reflecting on the value of SG 2000 Ethiopia’s intervention, Wolde explains: “Thelocal wheat seed we used to procure from the local market was vulnerable to yellow rust and various weeds, which affected the productivity and quality of the crop. Thanks to SG 2000 Ethiopia, I now understand the importance of using quality seed.

I’ve also switched from the traditional broadcast sowing method to drilling seed in rows, which effectively lowered seed expenses and saved my energy. In addition, I’m now equipped with the required skills to properly manage crops and multiply the best varieties. I am proud to host SG 2000 Ethiopia farming technologies, and to share my experience with fellow farmers. I will continue working hard and keep on practicing the lessons I have learned to improve my livelihood.”

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