
After setbacks to abundance: Kole farmer finds success in soybean

Esther Apio, a 40-year-old farmer from Kole District, Alito Sub- County, faced persistent losses in her poultry farming for years, driving her to shift towards soybean farming, which seemed promising as she could harvest in six months. However, prolonged drought stress caused her surviving bean pods to shatter, leading to grain waste and loss of income.  


Collective marketing training boost farmer’s savings

In 2014, Apolot Christine’s savings at a local cooperative were a paltry 120,000UGX (USD 32), but by the end of 2022, she had banked UGX 1,740,000 (USD 464).  


Farmer’s life transformed through training on collective marketing

Just three years ago, Korobe Annaniah, was a struggling farmer, worn down with loans, school fees for his children and many other recurring expenses. As a young man, he had envisioned life, at the age of 57, full of wealth and tranquility, but his farming enterprise kept failing him, with meagre harvests each year and even lower sales. 

A beneficiary of the KSADP Input stockist support in Dabino community, Bagwai Local Government Kano State, Nigeria

The Kano State Agropastoral Development Program supports small Agro-Input Retailers to Thrive

Small agro-input retailers play a vital role in the agricultural sector, providing farmers with essential inputs such as improved seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides. However, many agro-input retailers in Kano State, Nigeria, struggle to make profit.

Farmer Aminu Hashim Kura, Kura Community, Kano State, Nigeria

From a Struggling Farmer to a Successful Seed Producer: A Story of Aminu Hashim

Aminu Hashim is a 50-year-old farmer and a father of 4 children from Kura community in Kano State, Nigeria. Mr. Hashim has always been a farmer but struggled to make ends meet. He had a small plot of land but needed more finance to buy quality farm inputs such as improved seeds and fertilizer. As a result, his harvests could have been better.


【Special Interview】Introducing Dr. Amit Roy, SAA's New Chair

As the Chair of the Sasakawa Africa Association, Dr. Amit Roy is at the forefront of initiatives driving positive change in African agriculture, and in this interview, he shares his journey, experiences, and insights for ensuring food security in Africa.


Farmers in Meket district embrace improved organic fertilizers

Organic fertilizers play an essential role in maintaining soil health by influencing nutrient availability, enhancing the soil's structure, and supporting its water retention capacity. Traditional organic fertilizers, such as manure and compost, have been a choice for many farmers albeit in limited quantities.

A host farmer in his wheat-faba bean rotation of improved varieties

Reviving Cereal-Pulse Crop Rotation: A Leap Towards Agro-Biodiversity and Sustainable Farming

Promoting agro-biodiversity is a cornerstone of regenerative agriculture. These systems protect ecosystem biodiversity by providing habitats for various species, preserving biological diversity both above and below ground, and preventing habitat degradation and loss.


Quality seed distribution aims to improve food and nutrition security

On June 13, 2023, SAA conducted a seed distribution program covering the Tiolo Post Harvest and Trading Center (PHTC) in Sikasso, south of the Malian capital, Bamako. A total of 31,331 kg certified seed of rice, pearl millet, sorghum, maize, groundnut and cowpea were distributed to 3,000 farmers in 13 distribution centers.


Community Based Seed Multiplication Model integrated into Malian Agricultural College curricular

The SAA's Community Based Seed Multiplication (CBSM) model will, starting this year, be integrated in the training programs for agricultural extension agents by all agricultural colleges in Mali. This is following its approval during a curriculum revision session held in March.

SAA Publications

"Walking with the Farmer"

SAA publishes a bimonthly e-newsletter reporting on SAA activities.

SAA Mail News

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SAA history book
"Walking with the Farmer: The journey of the Sasakawa Africa Assoication since 1986"

This book chronicles the history of SAA from its inception to the present.

Success stories
Voices from the Field Special Edition 2022

This is a special edition of the "Voices from the Field" articles.