Transforming Uganda's Agriculture: SAA at the 30th National Agricultural Show 2024


The 30th National Agricultural Show, held from July 26th to August 4th, 2024, at the Jinja Show Grounds, was a massive success, attracting over 300,000 participants eager to explore the latest innovations in agriculture. Organized by the Uganda National Farmers Federation (UNFFE) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry, and Fisheries (MAAIF), this annual event became a vibrant hub of ideas, technology, and opportunities for Uganda’s agricultural community. From small-scale farmers to industry leaders, the show gathered a diverse group of stakeholders committed to advancing Uganda’s agricultural sector.

For SAA, the show was a golden opportunity to spotlight our mission: empowering Uganda’s farmers, particularly the youth and women, and driving agricultural transformation through innovation and technology. Our presence at the event emphasized key areas that are essential to building a resilient and productive agricultural sector in Uganda.

At this year’s show, SAA zeroed in on two critical value chains: wheat and maize, recognizing them as pivotal crops for Uganda's agricultural future.

Wheat, despite its potential, remains underutilized in Uganda, where over 96% of the country's annual wheat demand is met through imports. This dependency on imports not only strains the economy but also leaves the country vulnerable to global market fluctuations. SAA is working to change this narrative by promoting local wheat production as a viable and lucrative option for Ugandan farmers. We introduced three key wheat varieties—Ageno 1, Ageno 2, and Ageno 3—known for their heat tolerance, high yield potential, and superior baking quality.  Can thrive in Uganda’s semi-arid regions, offering a new pathway for food security, employment, and income generation.

Showgoers explore SAA's wheat demonstration garden as Christine Kyomugisha, Senior RA Officer, explains the benefits of new drought-tolerant wheat varieties for boosting local

Maize, a staple crop in Uganda, also took center stage in our exhibition. With high-yielding maize varieties capable of producing up to 40 bags per acre, SAA is helping farmers shift from subsistence farming to commercial production. These varieties, combined with proper farming practices, can significantly increase productivity, helping farmers boost their incomes and contribute to the country's food security.

In addition to maize and wheat, SAA showcased a range of nutrition-sensitive crops, including vegetables like cauliflower, cabbages, eggplants, and tomatoes. These crops are vital for enhancing food security and nutrition in Uganda, offering farmers additional income streams while improving local diets.

The adoption of modern agricultural technologies is essential for increasing efficiency, reducing labor intensity, and ultimately boosting the profitability of smallholder farms. During the Show, SAA showcased a wide range of technologies aimed at making farming less labor-intensive and more profitable. In partnership with Ugandan fabricators, SAA has developed locally made farming machinery affordable, customized equipment that meets the needs of smallholder farmers including planting tools, irrigation systems, and post-harvest processing machines (grain cleaners, threshers). These innovations are helping farmers boost productivity while supporting local manufacturing.

One of the standout features of our exhibition was championing the potential of agro-processing to turn raw crops into valuable products. Our exhibition showcased various value-added products produced by youth and women groups, demonstrating the potential of agro-processing to transform farming communities. By adding value to raw agricultural products, such as processed foods and packaged grains, farmers can increase the value of their crops, creating new income stream and also contribute to food security by extending the shelf life of products and reducing waste.

Demonstration of one of SAA’s Post-Harvest Handling Technology

At this year’s show, SAA also distributed a range of Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials to farmers, youth, and women. These materials offered practical insights into modern farming techniques, the benefits of adopting drought-tolerant wheat varieties, and best practices for pest and disease management.

Hon. Rwamirama Bright, the state minister for Animal Husbandry, delivered a powerful message urging farmers to embrace modern agricultural practices and technologies to address the growing challenges of climate change and food security. “The future of Uganda's agriculture lies in modernization. We must equip our farmers with the tools and knowledge they need to combat climate change and ensure food security. Embracing technology is no longer a choice; it is a matter of survival,” Hon. Rwamirama stressed during his address to the participants. The government’s commitment, through initiatives like the Parish Development Model, is helping ensure that every farmer, regardless of location or scale, has access to the tools and resources needed to succeed.

As we continue to drive innovation, empower youth and women, and promote sustainable farming practices, the 30th National Agricultural Show was a resounding success for SAA, reinforcing our commitment to transforming agriculture in Uganda and across Africa.

Video links related to the 30th National Agricultural Show in Uganda

  1. Transforming Uganda's Agriculture Highlights from the 30th National Agricultural Show 2024:
  2. The 30th National Agricultural Show In Jinja Begins (UBS):
  3. Farmers Encouraged To Adopt Wheat Cultivation For Increased Income Opportunities (COU Family TV):

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