
SAA-Uganda Deputy Country Director will present at an IFPRI-TICAD8 side event “How Japan’s know-how can help address Africa’s food and nutrition challenges: Interventions and impacts”

Joseph Bbemba, SAA-Uganda Deputy Country Director will present SAA experience at an official TICAD8 side event hosted by IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute): “How Japan’s know-how can help address Africa’s food and nutrition challenges: Interventions and impacts”

A group photo with farmers practices Regenerative Agriculture

SAA-Ethiopia hosted a visit by Mr Yohei Sasakawa, the Chairman of The Nippon Foundation

At the end of August, the Chairman of The Nippon Foundation, Mr. Yohei Sasakawa, participated in the 8th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 8) in Tunisia and then visited Ethiopia to visit SAA’s intervention sites. SAA’s board chair, Hon. Prof. Oniang’o, President Dr. Kitanaka, and Prof. Shirato, accompanied the visit to the field and they listened to the voices of the farmers there.


SAA-Ethiopia contributed a journal article on an economic analysis of threshing and shelling machine services featured on African Journal of Food and Nutrition Development

An article on the economic analysis of the post-harvest sector in Ethiopia was posted on African Journal of Food and Nutrition Development (AJFAND), peer reviewed scholarly journal envisaged to enable dissemination and sharing of food and nutrition information issues on the continent.

Prof Ruth Oniang’o, SAA Chair, on panel session

SAA at the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) 2022 Summit.

The AGRF, Africa’s premier forum for driving the food and agriculture agenda in the continent, hosted its 12th annual summit under the theme Grow. Nourish. Reward – Bold Actions for Resilient Food Systems from September 5-9, 2022 in Kigali, Rwanda.


President Dr. Kitanaka will present at the IFAD-TICAD8 side-event “Future of Food Security in Africa - in times of Global Food Crisis: How innovation can help our future?”

On Monday, September 30, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) will host a TICAD8 high-level side event, " Future of Food Security in Africa - in times of Global Food Crisis: How innovation can help our future?  


SAA-Ethiopia introductory video is now released

This is an introductory movie of SAA-Ethiopia that gives the overview of its activities along the 3 strategic pillars.


SAA contributed an op-ed "How Africa’s Farmers Can Feel The Full Benefit Of The Digital Revolution" on Africa. com

An op-ed by Dr. Mel Oluoch, Strategic Partnership Director of SAA, on the digitalization of  agricultural extension in Africa was featured on


【Event Report】SAA-IFPRI-AFAAS TICAD8 side event “Multidimensional digitally-enabled agricultural extension in Africa: Accelerating agricultural transformation in the face of global crises”

On August 26, 2022, Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA), in collaboration with International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS), hosted its second TICAD8 official side event "Multidimensional digitally-enabled agricultural extension in Africa: Accelerating agricultural transformation in the face of global crises” following the first SAA’s official side event on Regenerative Agriculture in Africa. More than 210 people attended on...


SAA-Uganda introductory video is now renewed.

The second release presents the activities of SAA-Uganda in line with the new strategy.


SAA-Nigeria introductory video is now renewed.

This is an introductory movie of SAA-Nigeria that gives the overview of its activities along the 3 strategic pillars: Regenerative Agriculture (RA), Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture (NSA) and Market-oriented Agriculture (MOA).

SAA Publications

"Walking with the Farmer"

SAA publishes a bimonthly e-newsletter reporting on SAA activities.

SAA Mail News

Sign up to receive our e-newsletter and upcoming event information via email.


SAA history book
"Walking with the Farmer: The journey of the Sasakawa Africa Assoication since 1986"

This book chronicles the history of SAA from its inception to the present.

Success stories
Voices from the Field Special Edition 2022

This is a special edition of the "Voices from the Field" articles.