
Interview Series 4: A story of the Ethiopian Extension Director -How SAFE program brought me where I am-

Yenenesh Egu is Director of Agricultural Extension at the Ministry of Agriculture in Ethiopia. She has extensive agricultural experience at grassroots level through to national-scale projects. Having studied rural development and agricultural extension at university, Yenenesh now plays a significant role in facilitation, coordination and coaching within the agricultural extension directorate.

Yenenesh was part of the panel discussion that took place during the SAA official TICAD VII side-even...


Interview Series 3: How SAFE program and Christopher Dowswell Scholarship changed life of Elizabeth

The Sasakawa Africa Fund for Extension Education (SAFE) has two main objectives: to integrate African universities and agricultural colleges into the agricultural development process, and to expand and strengthen the knowledge and skills of frontline agricultural and rural development advisory service providers, improving their capacity to serve the needs of smallholder farm families. SAFE works with 29 universities in 11 countries, and since its inception almost 7,000 extension agents have bene...

SAA Uganda staff and the Award

SAA Uganda Office (SG2000-Uganda) Awarded the 2019 Uganda Responsible Investment Award

On 22 November 2019 at Imperial Royale Hotel Kampala, H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni recognized top Responsible Investments with the prestigious Uganda Responsible Investment award (URI Award). This was during the 2019 Uganda Responsible Investment Summit and Award Ceremony. Over 500 Investors attended and over 400 Young Entrepreneurs were in attendance.

The summit was organized by Public Opinions International in partnership with the Office of the Minister of State for Privatization and Investme...


Interview Series 2: Entrepreneurship in Agriculture with Lindiwe Majele Sibanda

For Lindiwe Majele Sibanda, the Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA) “is a movement with an unique way of doing extension which can involve Africa’s youth”. Speaking at the TICAD V11 Side Event in Yokohama on a panel to discuss “Africa’s youth and entrepreneurship in agriculture”, she described, how she became an agripreneur – and then took full advantage of the opportunities that this offered.

“I hope this will be an inspiration and an example to young people”, she said.
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe b...

Dr. Amit Roy, Vice-Chairman of the Board of SAA

SAA announces new Vice-Chairman and President

The Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA) is pleased to announce the appointment of two new Representative Directors of the organization. Dr Amit Roy will assume the position as permanent Vice-Chairman of the Board of SAA and Dr Makoto Kitanaka will take on his role as the new President of SAA. These appointments are a result of extensive internal discussions between the SAA Board of Directors and Mr Yohei Sasakawa, Chairman of The Nippon Foundation, which is the core donor of SAA.
Dr Roy, the for...


SAA hosts a symposium in the 2nd all Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition

The African Union Commission (AUC) hosted one of Africa’s biggest postharvest event from September 17th to 20th 2019 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
After what was remembered as a very successful event in Nairobi in 2017, Addis Ababa hosted the 2nd All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition (AAPHCE) at AUC.

◆SAA’s Symposium on Accelerating the Adoption of Improved Postharvest & Agro-processing Practices in Africa
Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA) in collaboration with key partners co-s...

Engr. (Mrs.) Leony Halos-Kim SAA Postharvest Handling and Agro-processing Director also received booth visitors and explained about Multi Crop Thresher Prototype

SAA shines in the 2nd all Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition

The African Union Commission (AUC) hosted one of Africa’s biggest postharvest event from September 17th to 20th 2019 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA) successfully conducted a symposium titled “Accelerating the Adoption of Improved Postharvest & Agro-processing Practices in Africa”. In addition to the symposium, SAA setup an exhibition booth at the venue of the event and participated in different plenary sessions.

◆SAA’s featured Postharvest Handling and Ag...


Interview Series 1: Ryoji Inaba, a former JICA volunteer to Uganda now engaging in farming in Japan

Ryoji Inaba is a young Japanese farmer and former Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer (JOCV) in Uganda, where he was assigned to work at the SAA Country Office for two years from 2012 to 2014. Since returning home to Aichi Prefecture and starting life as a farmer, he has worked on producing a wide range of organic farm products.

Ryoji was part of the panel discussion that took place during the SAA official TICAD VII side-event in Yokohama on 28 August, where he engaged with other young farme...

H.E Olusegun Mathew Okikiola Aremu Obasanjo, former President of Nigeria graced SAA's booth. He was received by Dr. Deola Naibakelao, Dr. Mel Oluoch and Engineer Halos-Kim

SAA’s flag bearers stood-out in AGRF

The beautiful city of Accra has been bustling to receive guests who flocked from all corners of the globe to attend the 2019 African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) held at the Accra International Convention Center (AICC) from 2-6 September 2019. The AGRF 2018 forum was successfully hosted in Kigali, Rwanda and this year, Accra, Ghana was the host to this prestigious continental event which attracted key actors in agriculture, heads of states, researchers, producers, promoters, the media community...


Japan pledges boost to cooperation with Africa at Sasakawa Africa Association side-event for TICAD VII

Wednesday 11 September – A “new era” of opportunities and cooperation in agriculture between Japan and Africa was heralded at a symposium organised by the Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA), at the seventh Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD VII).

‘Sasakawa in Africa: Building on the Past, Looking to the Future’ heard a commitment from Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to strengthen Japanese cooperation with Africa, and saw a new agreement struck between SAA and the J...

SAA Publications

"Walking with the Farmer"

SAA publishes a bimonthly e-newsletter reporting on SAA activities.

SAA Mail News

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SAA history book
"Walking with the Farmer: The journey of the Sasakawa Africa Assoication since 1986"

This book chronicles the history of SAA from its inception to the present.

Success stories
Voices from the Field Special Edition 2022

This is a special edition of the "Voices from the Field" articles.