SAA President Dr. Kitanaka visits  Makerere University for collaborative initiatives

SAA President Dr. Kitanaka visits Makerere University for collaborative initiatives

The visit of Dr. Kitanaka and SAA HQ team to the college of Agricultural and Environment sciences of Mekerere University, Uganda has been featured in their website.

Final year students of Bahir Dar University with lecturers and SAA staff, during SEPs workshop

55 midcareer students of Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia presented their Supervised Enterprise Projects (SEPs)

Supervised Enterprise Projects (SEPs) is a unique aspect of SAFE program which requires the students to work on action-based research with an aim to solve problems encountered by farming communities.


SAA organized a workshop test2

test 2


SAA organized a training on SHEP at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania.

From 11th to 12th of May, 2021, Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA), in collaboration with TANSHEP, Department of Agricultural Extension and Community Development (DAECD), the Bureau for Agricultural Consultancy and Advisory Services (BACAS) and Sokoine University of Agriculture conducted a training on Smallholder Horticulture Empowerment and Promotion (SHEP) approach and SAA field models in Morogoro, Tanzania.


Country Director of SAA Mali will attend the Pre-UN Food Systems Dialogue for West Africa

The Country Director of SAA Mali, Dr. Sokona will attend the Pre-UN Food Systems Dialogue for West Africa as a panelist on 14th May, 2021. For the detail, please see the attached file.


[SAA Publication] Report on Sasakawa Africa Fund for Extension Education (SAFE)

Report on Sasakawa Africa Fund for Extension Education (SAFE) has been published.

Ms. Jemberitu and Ms. Nigiste during the press event broadcasted on etv (Ethiopian Television)

Embassy of Japan in Ethiopia invited women supported by SAA to the International Women’s Day Press Event

Ms. Jemberitu Megera, Chairperson of Edget Yebaltina Wutet Agro-Processing Cooperative and Ms. Nigiste Kasse, representative from Alen Tesfa Women Agro-processing Cooperative have participated on the press event held on 4th March 2021 at the Embassy of Japan in Ethiopia.


Video introducing SAA's activities

SAA produced a video introducing our activities during COVID-19.

Dr. Sokona, SAA Country Director, received a certificate of recognition from the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries

SAA Mali Receives Award of Excellence from the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries

On Thursday February 11 and Friday February 12, 2021, SAA-Mali held its Annual stakeholder Forum at the Azalai Hotel in Bamako. This event chaired by the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries; His Excellency Mr. Mahmoud Ould Mohamed focused on the theme "Sustainable Agriculture in a Context of Climate Change, Poor Soil Fertility, and the Covid19 Pandemic: Current Status and Future Prospects". Two other distinguished personalities namely the Ambassador of Japan in Mali, His E...

SAA Publications

"Walking with the Farmer"

SAA publishes a bimonthly e-newsletter reporting on SAA activities.

SAA Mail News

Sign up to receive our e-newsletter and upcoming event information via email.


SAA history book
"Walking with the Farmer: The journey of the Sasakawa Africa Assoication since 1986"

This book chronicles the history of SAA from its inception to the present.

Success stories
Voices from the Field Special Edition 2022

This is a special edition of the "Voices from the Field" articles.