SAA Lays Foundation Stone for Irrigation Infrastructure and Hands- Over Site to Contractor

Laying the foundation stone for irrigation infrastructure in Gowedemo Kebele
Laying the foundation stone for irrigation infrastructure in Gowedemo Kebele

On December 05, 2024, the Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA) Ethiopia Country Director Dr. Fentahun Mengistu and Mr. Mengesha Fitamo, Head of Southern Sidama Zone Administration, laid the foundation stone for the construction of irrigation infrastructure in Gowedemo Kebele, Aleta Wondo District, Sidama Region. The site was officially handed over to the contractor, Matunda Engineering, following the signing of the agreement between SAA and the contractor.

During the event, guests visited the existing constructed canals at the site, which will cover 60 hectares of irrigation infrastructure. Once completed, the project is expected to benefit the communities across 200 hectares in the Kebele. The ceremony was attended by of government sector heads, extension agents, farmers and members of the local communities.

Funded by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), the Improving Climate Resilience through Irrigation Development and Soil Fertility Enhancement (ICRIS) project was launched on July 22, 2024, and will run until April 2025. The project aims to introduce small-scale irrigation systems, enhance water resources management capacity, improve soil fertility management based on soil data, and increase agricultural productivity through the dissemination of improved cultivation techniques.

Dr. Fentahun Mengistu, SAA-Ethiopia Country Director (left), handing over a document to the contractor

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