African Union



Achieving Resilient Agri-Food Systems through Regenerative Agriculture in the Wake of Global Fertilizer Crises & Climate Change:

Innovations and approaches for Improving Soil Health and Sustainable Intensification
7 May, 2024 @ KICC, Tent 9, Nairobi, Kenya
Time: 1530- 1700 Hours, East Africa Time

The side event will be a hybrid event.
Physical attendance to the main event will require accreditation to the summit.



African soils are experiencing loss of organic matter, biodiversity, fertility, water and wind erosion, and soil acidification. Land and soil degradation severely constrain African agricultural productivity, increasing vulnerability for small-holder farmers. This degradation inhibits crop nutrient uptake, thereby hampering productivity. The African agriculture also faces challenges due to fertilizer crises and geopolitical events like COVID-19 and the Ukraine-Russia conflict, which has caused soaring prices and limited availability of inorganic fertilizers, affecting soil health and crop productivity. Additionally, conventional farming practices contribute to environmental degradation and soil depletion. To address the fertilizer shortages and degraded soils, there is a need to explore novel innovations which necessitate a shift towards sustainable and regenerative agriculture.

Event Theme

  • The importance and benefits of integrated landscape soil and water management to optimize fertilizer use and soil health across agricultural land uses.
  • The organic matter component of the Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) equation: Challenges and realistic opportunities.

Event Objective

With a focus on innovative strategies for sustainable intensification and regenerative agriculture methods, this side-event discussion seeks to advance the current conversation about building resilient and sustainable food systems in the face of global fertilizer issues. The event provides a forum for the research and development community to exchange ideas, information, and innovative approaches to address the fertilizer crisis, as well as identify best practices for smallholder settings in Africa, focusing on improving soil health.

Dialogue Objectives:

  • Bring attention to the potential that RA can be used to effectively maintain and enhance soil health and fertility, increase soil productivity over time, enhance agro-ecosystem services, and mitigate climate change.
  • Discuss and share the experiences of diverse groups in implementing RA approaches tailored to different African regions, promoting them, and helping farmers become more resilient in the face of global fertilizer shortages and price hikes.
  • Discuss the early findings, challenges, and feedback from African smallholder farmer- focused projects aimed at promoting sustainable RA practices and identifying barriers to the widespread adoption of regenerative agriculture.
  • Talk about how RA's technology portfolio and smallholder farmer extension initiatives in Africa support the goal of Sustainable Agricultural Intensification.
  • Utilizing multi-stakeholder collaborations and investments, identifying the key actors, and winning their support to increase the capacity for research and development on RA strategy for effective and long-term soil health throughout Africa.
  • Decide on a course of action that may contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Hon. Prof. Ruth Oniang’o
Honorary Advisor, Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA), Editor in Chief, AJFAND Journal, and 2017 Africa Food Prize Recipient
Dr. David Nielson
Senior Advisor to the North American Agricultural Advisory Network (NAAAN), former Lead Agriculture Economist at the World Bank Group
Dr. Amit Roy
Chair, Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA)
Dr. Andre Bationo
Chief of Party for SAPEP, 2020 Recipient of the Africa Food Prize
Dr. Martin Fregene
Director, Agriculture and Agro-Industry, African Development Bank
Dr. Silim Nahdy
Executive Director, The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS)
Dr. Stella Kabiri
Lead Regenerative Agriculture, Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA)
Dr. Mel Oluoch
Director, Strategic Partnerships, Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA)
Mr. Mandla Nkomo
The Chief Growth Officer of the Excellence in Agronomy Initiative
Ms. Everlyn Musyoka
Beyer Crop Science, Smallholder partnerships Lead
Dr. Fentahun Mengistu
Ethiopia Country Director, Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA)
Dr. Makoto Kitanaka
President, Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA)
MC: Ms. Ethiopia Tadesse
Head of Communications and Advocacy, Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA)


Date: 7 May, 2024
Venue: KICC, Tent 9, Nairobi, Kenya
Time: 1530- 1700 Hours, East Africa Time

15:30 - 15:33 Hrs


Prof. Ruth Oniang’o / Honorary Advisor, Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA), Editor in Chief, AJFAND Journal, and 2017 Africa Food Prize Recipient

15:34 - 15:44 Hrs

Keynote Address

The Soil Initiative for Africa - Reversing Decades of Decline in Soil Health in Africa

Dr. David Nielson, Senior Advisor to the North American Agricultural Advisory Network (NAAAN), Senior Advisor to the African Agricultural Research, Innovation, and Education Institutions (AARIEI); Former Lead Agriculture Economist at the World Bank Group.

15:45 - 15:55 Hrs

Special Address

Achieving Food Security through Regenerative Agriculture in the Wake of Global Fertilizer Crises

Dr. Amit Roy / Board Chair, Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA) & former Chief Executive Officer, IFDC

15:56 - 16:32 Hrs

Framing Presentations

1. Disseminating Regenerative Agriculture (RA) for Africa and Enhancing Livelihoods: SAA’s experience in promoting RA

Dr. Stella Kabiri / Lead Regenerative Agriculture, Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA)

2. Decreased dependency on imported fertilizer through utilization of locally produced substitutes for phosphate in Sahelian ecosystems

Dr. Andre Bationo, Chief of Party for SAPEP, 2020 Recipient of the Africa Food Prize

3. Presentation By

Dr. Martin Fregene, Director, Agriculture and Agro-Industry, African Development Bank

4. African Extension Framework for Improving and integrating Soil Health and Sustainable Intensification,

Dr. Silim Nahdy, Executive Director, AFAAS

16:33 - 16:58 Hrs

Panel Discussion

Translating the Vision of Regenerative Agriculture (RA) into Practical Innovations: Addressing Fertilizer Cost Challenges for African Smallholders

Moderator: Dr. Mel Oluoch, Director, Strategic Partnerships, SAA


Mr. Mandla Nkomo, the Chief Growth Officer of the Excellence in Agronomy Initiative
Ms. Everlyn Musyoka, Strategy Lead, Smallholder Business Africa; Bayer Crop Science Ltd
Dr. Fentahun Mengistu, Country Director, Ethiopia, Sasakawa Africa Association

16:59 - 17:03 Hrs

Q&A Sessions

17:04 - 17:06 Hrs

Closing Remarks

Dr. Makoto Kitanaka, President, Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA)

MC: Ms. Ethiopia Tadesse, Head of Communications and Advocacy, Sasakawa Africa Association


Please fill the following form below to register for the side event.


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